NaNoWriMo 2015: Week One Summary

Well, we’re one week deep into NaNoWriMo 2015, and this year I decided it would be a good idea to go for 50k. The word count goal for the first week is 13,336 words, and I’m currently on 14,736 words, so I’m slightly ahead. Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 3.56.17 pm

I’m still in the lovingly dubbed ‘honeymoon phase’ of NaNoWriMo, and tomorrow that magical period ends. I am mentally preparing myself for the horrors of the middle weeks, and saying goodbye to everything else in my life except maybe schoolwork. *glares at schoolwork*. I don’t think I’m going to announce my blurb, nor my title yet (not that I haven’t got those…….) HOWEVER, I would like to very briefly sing the praises of scrivener. I can’t really work it very well but it’s AMAZING SOFTWARE. AND IT HAS A 30 DAY TRIAL WHICH IS PERFECT FOR NANOWRIMO. And as far as I know, if you win NaNoWriMo you get a 50% discount, making it $20! I’m going to make a detailed post about scrivener once I’ve really figured out how to work it fully.

I’ve also kept a spreadsheet of all my word counts for every sprint I do, so here are my statistics for the beginning of the month:

My top word count for 5 minutes is 269 words, and my record (thus far) for 10 minutes is 476 words.

I know this post was soul crushingly short and soul crushingly uninteresting, but I hope to provide more detailed statistics and musings next week, and a post of NaNoWriMo tips in the middle of the week.


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